河﨑 ゆかり(彫刻家)
1972 札幌市生まれ
1995 北海道教育大学札幌校芸術文化課程卒業
2008〜 道展出品、入選(2016新人賞、2018佳作賞)
2016〜19 さっぽろ雪像彫刻展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)スタッフ参加
2018 個展「decision」(MoMo/札幌)
2020〜25 さっぽろ雪像彫刻展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)
2021 雪のあと・形のさき展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)
2024 さっぽろ雪まつり「雪像彫刻 from 本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館」
Japan Contemporaries Series 9(Gallery60 NYC/ニューヨーク)
Kawasaki Yukari, Sculptor
1972 born in Sapporo
1995 graduated from Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo Campus Arts and Culture Course
2008〜 DOTEN (2016 Newcomer Award, 2018 Honorable Mention Award)
2016-19 staff of "Sapporo Snow Sculpting Exhibition"
2018 solo exhibition "decision" at Momo(Sapporo)
2020-25 "Sapporo Snow Sculpting Exhibition" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2021 "Remains of snow, Edges of forms" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2024 74th Sapporo Snow Festival, "Snow Sculpture from Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo"
"Japan Contemporaries Series 9" at Gallery60 NYC(New York)
"To each their own bean - Art Beans in Autumn -" at HUG(Sapporo)
「優しい歌 The Singing Goat」 2024年
熊谷 文秀(造形作家)
1964 青森県生まれ
1987 北海道教育大学札幌分校特別美術課程卒業
1994 PARCO アーバナート#3 パルコ賞
1995 朝日現代クラフト 優秀賞
2017 UBE ビエンナーレ 実物製作指定
2018 Sapporo JR TOWER Art Box グランプリ
2018〜25 さっぽろ雪像彫刻展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館、’23除く)
2020 ものづくり文化展 最優秀賞
KAJIMA 彫刻コンクール 金賞(最優秀賞)
2021 雪のあと・形のさき展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)
2022 個展「THE VOICES OF MACHINE-機械たちの声」(網走市立美術館)
2023 札幌美術展「昨日の名残、明日の気配」(札幌芸術の森美術館)
2023・24 さっぽろ雪まつり「雪像彫刻 from 本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館」
Kumagai Fumihide, Modeling Artist
1964 born in Aomori
1987 graduated from Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo Campus Special Art Course
1995 "Asahi Contemporary Craft", Excellence Award
2017 "The 27th UBE BIENNALE, UBE International Sculpture Competition", Finalist
2018 "Sapporo JR TOWER Art Box Competition", Grand Prix
2018-25 "Sapporo Snow Sculpting Exhibition" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2020 "MONOZUKURI Cultural Exhibition", Grand Prize
2021 "Remains of snow, Edges of forms" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2022 solo exhibition "THE VOICES OF MACHINE" at Abashiri City Museum of Art
2023 "Remnants of yesterday, Signs of tomorrow" at Sapporo Art Museum
"International Snow Sculpting Competition JAPAN CUP in NAYORO"
2024, 25 Sapporo Snow Festival, "Snow Sculpture from Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo"
清水 郁太郎(木工家)
1962 東京都生まれ 同年札幌市在住
1985 工房遊木民を設立し、木のおもちゃ・楽器・野外造形などを制作
1988〜89 雪の造形展(札幌芸術の森)
1989 丹波の森全国ウッドクラフト展 金賞
2003 TVチャンピオン木のおもちゃ選手権 優勝
2013 神戸ビエンナーレ創作玩具国際展 入賞
2019〜 飛生芸術祭(白老)
2021〜25 さっぽろ雪像彫刻展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)
2021 雪のあと・形のさき展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)
2023・24 さっぽろ雪まつり「雪像彫刻 from 本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館」
Shimizu Ikutaro, woodworker
1962 born in Tokyo, living in Sapporo since 1962
1985 founded the studio "Yubokumin" and produced wooden toys, musical instruments, outdoor sculptures, etc.
Instructor at Wood Craft Studio in Sapporo Art Park (1987-2000), taught woodworking, art, picture books at three universities in Sapporo
1988-89 "Snow Art Exhibition" at Sapporo Art Park
1989 "Tambanomori Woodcraft Competition", Gold Prize
2003 "TV Champion Wooden Toy Championship", winner
2013 "CREATIVE TOYS International Competition in Kobe Biennale", winning prize
2019〜 "TOBIU ART FESTIVAL"(Shiraoi, Hokkaido)
2021-25 "Sapporo Snow Sculpting Exhibition" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2021 "Remains of snow, Edges of forms" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2023, 24 Sapporo Snow Festival, "Snow Sculpture from Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo"
「雪かきマン」 2021年
清水 宏晃(木工家)
1973 札幌市生まれ
2008-16、18、23 なよろ国際雪像彫刻大会ジャパンカップ(名寄、2015 優勝・芸術家賞)
2010〜25 さっぽろ雪像彫刻展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)
2013〜20 個展(石の蔵ぎゃらりぃはやし/ 札幌)
2018 第一回鏡泊湖国際雪像彫刻大会 第2位(中国)
2019 「光の雪柱」雪像制作 小樽雪あかりの路
2021 札幌ミュージアム・アート・フェア2020-21(札幌芸術の森美術館)
2022 森のくまの棲(黒い森美術館/北広島)
ITAYA SPIRIT‐時を刻むうつわ(ungaplus gallery/小樽)
2023 白樺のくま設置(洞爺湖鶴雅リゾート洸の謌)
2023・24 個展(茶廊法邑ギャラリー/札幌)
さっぽろ雪まつり「雪像彫刻 from 本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館」
Shimizu Hiroaki, woodworker
1973 born in Sapporo
2008-16, 18, 23 "International Snow Sculpting Competition JAPAN CUP in NAYORO" (2015 Winning 1st prize /Artist Award)
2010-25 "Sapporo Snow Sculpting Exhibition" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2013-20 solo exhibition at Ishinokura gallery Hayashi(Sapporo)
2018 "1st Jingpo Lake International Snow Sculpture Competition",2nd Place (China)
2019 "Snow Pillar of Light" Snow Sculpture Production at Otaru Snow Light Path
2021 "Sapporo Museum Art Fair 2020-21" at Sapporo Art Museum
"Remains of snow, Edges of forms" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2022 "Forest bear's habitat" at Kuroimo(Kitahiroshima, Hokkaido)
"ITAYA SPIRIT - A Vessel that Tells Time" at ungaplus gallery(Otaru, Hokkaido)
solo exhibition at Tsuchiya Group Sapporo Showroom
2023 Installation of " White Birch Bears" at Lake Toya Tsuruga Resort Kikari no Uta(Sobetu, Hokkaido)
2023, 24 solo exhibition at SABO HOMURA gallery(Sapporo)
Sapporo Snow Festival, "Snow Sculpture from Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo"
「白樺のくま」 2023年
前田 裕人(家具設計・製作)
1996 札幌市生まれ
2017 北海道芸術デザイン専門学校卒業
2017〜20 東川町にて家具製造に従事
2018 第一回鏡泊湖国際雪像彫刻大会 第2位(中国)
2020 独立、家具設計・製造を開始
2020〜25 さっぽろ雪像彫刻展(本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館)
2022 ITAYA SPIRIT - 時を刻むうつわ(ungaplus gallery/小樽)
2024 さっぽろ雪まつり「雪像彫刻 from 本郷新記念札幌彫刻美術館」
Maeda Hiroto, Furniture design and production
1996 born in Sapporo
2017 graduated from Hokkaido College of Art and Design
2017–20 engaged in furniture manufacturing in Higashikawa Town
2018 "1st Jingpo Lake International Snow Sculpture Competition", 2nd Place (China)
2020 became independent and started furniture design and manufacturing
2020–25 "Sapporo Snow Sculpting Exhibition" at Hongo Shin Memorial Museum of Sculpture, Sapporo
2022 "ITAYA SPIRIT - A Vessel that Tells Time" at ungaplus gallery (Otaru, Hokkaido)
2024 74th Sapporo Snow Festival, "Snow Sculpture from the Hongo Shin Memorial Sapporo Art Museum"