Snow Festival
Official Website


A special video looking back at the past 70 years of the Sapporo Snow Festival! Sapporo Snow Festival Grand History Exhibition HISTORY

The history of the Sapporo Snow Festival, which has been celebrated since 1950, will be introduced through short videos specially produced by the TV stations and newspapers that have been involved in the events over the years.
We will be updating with 1-2 videos daily, each on various themes, so be sure to check back often! There will also be a 360° view of the past Odori site and a photos archive of the Snow Festival's "Main Snow Sculpture" attraction.

Watch the Sapporo Snow Festival & Winter History Video

The Sapporo Snow Festival and winter history will be showcased through short videos specially produced by the TV stations and newspapers whom have been involved in the events over the years.
We will be updating with 1-2 videos every day, starting from February 4th to 28th, 2021.
Click here for a list of released videos.

  • History of Large Snow & Ice Sculptures at Odori site (Nighttime)

    History of Large Snow & Ice Sculptures at Odori site (Nighttime)2/28UP!

  • An ice skating rink at Odori Park! J: COM square skating rink

    An ice skating rink at Odori Park! J: COM square skating rink2/28UP!

360° View of the Sapporo Snow Festival Odori Site

The video of the main venue for the Snow Festival, the Odori site, will be available and includes 360° views of the 2018-2020 events!

360° View of the 69th (2018) Sapporo Snow Festival Odori Site 360° View of the 69th (2018) Sapporo Snow Festival Odori Site

Sapporo Snow Festival Main Snow Sculpture List

There were many snow sculptures that were highlights of the Snow Festivals.
Standing over 10 meters tall, the immense power and beautiful artistry created by the skillful production teams are a must-see.
You can also watch a video of the unique projection mapping show, which began in the 63rd event in 2014.

Sapporo Snow Festival Main Snow Sculpture List

Follow us on our official social media and let's enjoy the Snow Festival together!